Thursday, November 1, 2012


I’m barely hanging onto hope that unfunny sarcasm and general acrimony will . . . . fade away.

I would like to think that anti-“Social Media” will . . . . fade away.

Looking into mirrors is usually disappointing;  Looking outward, then reflecting inward, is more enlightening, edifying.  Mirrors are just so  . . . . fade away.

Most of my friends are still voting against Nixon.  Talk about  . . . . Fade away.

Hurd Hatfield in The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945)

Andy Warhol, Vote McGovern, Silkscreen (1972)


  1. If only David Frost could have read this to president Nixon during those swashbuckling interviews ..Eat your heart,but slowly...sadly..poetically ...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi Manik and thanks. Things feel alternately tensed and untensed (from exhaustion and depletion) here. It really has been an odd period, I think. On the East Coast of the US, we've just come through a very destructive storm that has vast numbers of people without power and at the ends of their ropes. I always loved the Andy Warhol poster. He used to say (insincerely) that he viewed it as doing double duty and not being in support of McGovern. He said he thought that Nixon supporters would revile McGovern's name as much as McGovern supporters would recoil at Nixon's image. It's a highly effective piece, I think, but the fact remains that my peers are still largely voting against Nixon, i.e., a ghost, rather than for or against existing, living candidates based on a balanced examination of their records and positions. Oh well. It's a free country. Curtis
