After a mile of winding and a thousand feet of elevation, the final curve gave out
onto a bowl the size of a deserted stadium. It was part natural, part blasted, hanging there in the
belly of giant peaks. The back walls of the bowl were sheer rock faces. There were semi-circular
holes blasted into them at intervals. They looked like giant mouse holes. Some of them had been built out with waste rock, to provide sheltered
entrances. Two of the entrances had been
enlarged into giant stone sheds, roofed with timber.

NOTE: Initially, Die Trying’s plot seems
insanely extravagant,
but eventually the cynicism
about most human character
that undergirds it makes the
whole of the work actually seem as
naturalistic as Gilbert White’s writings
on Selborne. Combining elements of John Buchan’s chase, war and crime novels, especially, The
Dancing Floor, Mr Standfast and The Power House, Lee Child achieves something
quite original here. It is art
and therefore a lot
happier in the end than today’s (and yesterday’s and tomorrow’s) newspaper headlines, which are just creepy.