Monday, September 9, 2013


     The charcoal-kiln,

And an ivy vine
  Daubed up together with it.

     -- Shirao (1735-1792)



  1. There you are! I had trouble seeing your blog all summer on an iPad. Thank you very much for your kind comments! Right now I work very hard to get the prints right, dust in the printer and I have to demand a reprint for the third time, kind of embarrassing, but you kind have white specks in the black or almost black. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures, very glad!!

    1. Hello Linnea: Here I am and it's extremely good to hear from you. Your work -- your words and your images -- are unique and very special. You deserve recognition for the pleasure and the elucidation of emotion you bring in your work. It's great to reconnect in this exact space because what you consistently achieve reminds me of the economy of means and BIG impact of haiku. I love this Shirao poem, although of course I wish I could read it in Japanese. But that's unlikely to happen in this lifetime. Still not impossible, I guess. Curtis
