Wednesday, September 26, 2012


They are innumerable and unnameable.
         On certain days they glow, they glitter, they shimmer, they unfold and refold like a matador’s cape, they grow thin :
         the blues that blossom on the tip of the stem of the electric current ;
         the reds, that vibrate or expand or sizzle ;
         the trumpet yellows, the straight ones, because the luxurious stretches them and the sensuous spreads them thin ;
         the bright feathers of the greens, the always sharp and always cold, the slim ones, dots over the i’s of whites and greys.
         Are they messengers of Someone who dares not appear?  Or do they come simply by their own will, because they are born ?

Son innumerable e innombrables.
         También debo decir que ciertos días arden, brillan, ondulan, se despliegan or repliegan (como una capa de torear), se afilan :
         los azules, que florecen en la punta del tallo de la corriented eléctrica ;
         los rojos, que vibran o se expanden o chisporrotean ;
         los amarillos de clarín, los erguidos, porque los suntuosos se tienden y los sensuales se extienden ;
         las plumas frescas de los verdes, los siempre aguidos y siempre frios, los esbeltos, puntos sobre las íes de blancos y grises.
         ¿Son los enviados de Alguien que no se atreve a presentarse o vienen simplemente por su voluntad, porque les nace ?

There She Goes Again: Velvet Underground (Link)

There She Goes Again (Early Rehearsal Version): Velvet Underground (Link)

Final image shows 60,000 cormorants.  Photograph: Shem Compion; (Link)

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